Sunday, November 20, 2005

Random thoughts concerning phonegate....

So, as we all know, or as any who knows me knows, I am a huge Russell Crowe fan. Yep Russell-don't piss me off or I will have a temper tantrum like a two year old who doesn't get the toy he wanted whilst shopping with Mommy-Crowe.

Friday was the culmination of the court case against him for hurling a phone at some weasel of a hotel employee.

I think this man should be described as
I am going to provoke someone I know who has a huge temper that will flare when I am rude and tell him 'whatever', so that he will get mad, come down, throw something at me be it a fit or phone, so I can sue him and get money, because I really am a worthless piece of crap-Estrada.

I do not know these men personally, and these are my personal views on them, lawyers who would sue me take note--- I have no money so suing me would be like trying to get blood from a stone, also, I am not stating any of this as fact, just an opinion, and I am not slandering them for any other reason then to explain my opinion on this whole circus of an event. Holy run-on sentence batman. I personally find the whole thing stupid.

From the rude employee, who had to know he was playing with fire, to the phone thrower who should of known he was being bated into this, and therefore should have had a thought process that said--

"Hey, maybe I should just tell him to fuck off, call his boss and have words with him, instead of blowing my top, and throwing a phone."
To the New York city D.A. who charged said phone thrower with felony weapons and assault charges.

(WTF? a phone a felony weapon, yeah he was thinking there. Ooooh better watch out for all the car jackers who threaten you with a phone-- "Get out of the car and give me your keys and wallet, or else I am going to throw this desk phone at you, you will be sorry I tell you!")

Let's face it, it was a stupid thing all around. It was, in short, a huge temper tantrum gone very wrong. Also it was very amusing to see who was going to sound the most ridiculous in this situation. Here you have what is basically a pissing contest. Over what? Nothing in the general scheme of things. Was Russell Crowe trying to save the world when the desk clerk was rude to him? NO. Was the desk clerk trying to save the hotel world, one phone line at a time, with rude quips and attitude? NO. Was the D.A. trying to take a murderous savage off the street by charging phone man with felonies? NO. What was accomplished? Nothing of any significance. We got to see a celebrity arrested, whoop-dee-do. We got to see some moron with a scratch on his face, and yes it was only a flesh wound(hahahahaha-Monty Python reference for those who are not as big a geek as me!) cash out on this with like 160,000 dollars--for a fucking scratch.
We got to see the wheels of justice squeaking with pride as hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars were spent trying to get this vicious attacker prosecuted to the full extent of the law(sarcasm, dripping with sarcasm here.).

All the while more important thing in the world have been happening. Like hurricanes that take out whole parts of our country, so that the poorest of the poor in our country get screwed over even more then before, since the government, and the asshole in charge wouldn't do a damn thing. Bloody civil wars in Africa, where thousands upon thousands are murdered because they are a specific ethnic group--(Hitler, party of one-anyone, anyone, do you see the fucking similarities here?) We here in the U.S. really don't give it a second thought, because really let's face it, it is not an oil country, so why the fuck bother worrying about it (again, how fucking wrong is that?).

A war in Iraq, that should never have happened and is being used to keep our eyes and ears off of what is really happening in Washington D.C. . You know, the eroding of our every freedom? Think patriot act, think abortion rights being threatened, think the economy turning into a festering gut wound that will continue to kill us ever so slowly while the moral inept, and mentally challenged are in charge. Yes, phonegate was a matter of utmost importance. NOT. I pledge allegiance to the dollar sign, of the united states of asshats. and to the republic of money, greed, and moral repugnance, for which it stands one person, to them selves and only themselves, with threatened liberty, and no justice, ever, for all who need it. That is really what our national pledge should be. Because the words of the real pledge, do not ring true. And now I have gone completely off course and stepped up on a huge ass soapbox, from which I will now jump off of! Whoops! :)

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