Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Ass Is Freezing...

Just my ass. The rest of me is hot and sweaty, ick. Did I mention I hate the sweaty part? Anyway, I suppose that when you bike in 45* weather, parts of you are bound to freeze.

Hopefully it won't fall of, but it feels that cold. Hell I have the heating pad on my ass, and it still is not warm. Kind of funny, at least I think it is!

So if y'all are paying attention, you know that I have a blog dedicated to losing weight. Well, I am going to put this out there again for the masses. Come over, have a look around.

I will be thinking up of an October challenge for anyone who wants in. I just think that there is strength in numbers, and the accountability of having to actually say what you did for the day, is great motivation. Just click on that wee, little link over <----that way! Losing It!

We would love to have you join us in getting healthy!

Cone on, you know you wanna!


robyn said...

Um, good, because I am having a big dumb ass moment. Who are you?

I like to know who exactly is remembering this ass!!!


robyn said...

Der, never mind, I figured it out! How are you? Love the name, btw!


Anonymous said...

im ok just in your hood the other day and thought about u. I cant log back in. (can't remember password) Im a jackass :)

robyn said...

You are not a jackass! Der, not possible!

You should call me, would be nice to talk again.....