Sunday, January 22, 2006

Red Robin = yummy

Well, since mom had a birthday on Friday, and I had not seen her, we took her out for lunch today. She picked Red Robin. Have I mentioned how much I lubs me some Red Robin? And do you know how hard it is for me to type Robin, instead of Robyn? But I digress. Anyway, I was more then thrilled with the Choice of Red Robin goodness coming my way. My mouth began to water, that is how good Red Robin is. Red Robin is yummy. Abso-fucking-lutely yummy.

You know that scene in Pulp Fiction about the five dollar malt? Well Red Robin has a malt that is about three and a half dollars. At first you might say what John Travoltas character in Pulp Fiction said, you know something to the effect of, why the hell is a malt that expensive? Well let me tell you, it is worth every last penny. They have the best malts. I could have them everyday. Course if I had them everyday, I would be as wide as I am tall! So freakin good.

The burgers there are awesome too. Big, meaty, juicy burgers. Mmmmm. They will even cook them how I like them. No pink in the center! Now I know some people *my husband* will insist that it makes the burgers dry, and makes them not as tasty, but honestly, I would rather have not as tasty and dry, and not have e coli then have e coli and tasty and moist. Holy mother of god is that a long sentence. Anyway, they cook your burger well, pun intended, if that is in fact how you want it!

The fries are great too. The have refills on the fries. Free refills on the fries. I never can eat so much that I have to get a refill, but still, it is cool!

The thing that I order most though is the chicken strips. These rock. They are crunchy on the outside, and perfectly spiced, and juicy and cooked on the inside. They are in short, the way you think fried chicken should be. I don't know about you, but when I want good fried chicken, I find it almost impossible to get it. I know, some might say go to KFC, well guess what, they suck. I get better fried chicken from the grocery store, sadly enough.

So, I am full, though I made sure to eat only half of what I order (dieting sucks ass, but then I want to lose two out of the three asses that have taken up residence on my backside). So, technically I could in fact have them for dinner, but I think that would be pushing it. Although, maybe if I got on the elliptical for another 1/2 hour tonight it would balance out. Hmmm, must ponder that!

Anyway, if you get a chance, go to Red Robin. Tell em Robyn sent ya. (Seriously if you did that, I am sure they would look at you like you had lost your mind, so maybe don't tell them I sent you.)

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