Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bush Is An Egomaniacal Bastard

I have no words that describe how much I despise of this useless fucktard.

I cannot believe he is such a moron to have Cindy Sheehan arrested for wearing a shirt that asked a simple question. 2245 Dead. How Many More? Now of course the republican toadies will spin it. She was arrested. She was charged with unlawful conduct, because she would not cover it up.

This goes way beyond unreasonable. This borders on, no it is absurd. We have a bill of rights and constitution for a reason.

So thugs like Bush and his group of merry men can't do this.

What happened to freedom of speech?

What happened to being able to talk freely?

What happened to being able to disagree with the president, and not have to fear being arrested?

What about being able to talk on the phone without fear of reprisal because you are being spied on?

What about surfing the net, and god forbid watching porn, without having to worry the FBI and the CIA, and the NSA are gonna break down your door before you can have your happy finish?

Or worse yet, take your children because they are hypocritical bastards who think screwing should only be for heterosexuals, and then only for the purpose of breeding?

Scary shit if you ask me.

I am sick and tired of this moron with an overblown sense of self worth taking away my personal freedoms.

I am sick of this fly boy with an I.Q. of a grape thinking he is making intelligent decisions for the "good" of our country.

He is essentially an overgrown school yard bully.

Do what he says, when he says it or else meet him by the flagpole at 3.

Of course once you go to the proverbial flag pole you will be taken into custody, not be charged with anything for about 2 years, during which time you will be tortured.

Bush needs to be ousted. Seriously. They wanted to impeach Clinton for getting sucked off in the oval office. That didn't hurt anyone. That didn't get anyone killed, or maimed or tortured, or separated from their families for years at a time.

I have said it before, impeach Bush.

Impeach Cheney, hell he is like the walking dead anyway, not like he would actually make it through a term as president, but still I do not trust the asshat.

Impeach Rice.

Impeach all of Bush's toadies.

Hell at this point I would even suggest something more radical, but then I would most likely become one of the many imprisoned for speaking their mind. Something of course Bush doesn't have. A brain that functions above the primordial level.


Anonymous said...

Hey get a grip. She's not the first in US history to be arrested, or asked to leave that area because of a "protest shirt" and I dont think she will be the last. I can see you got a real hate worked up for Bush, but ya know keep it sane eh?

robyn said...

I know she is not the first person in US history to be arrested because of a protest shirt. I just find it sad that it has come down to this. You cannot wear a shirt without fear of being arrested, or detained.

Yes I dislike Bush more then I probably should. I feel he is not qualified for the job. I also feel he has taken more of our rights away, which is what really infuriates me.

Thanks for thinking of my sanity. While I may dislike the current president, I would never do anything crazy. My "weapon" of choice if you will, is my use of words. Which now days, because of this administration, can get you in just as much trouble as an actual weapon.

Politics is always a hot button topic. I don't shy away from it. Hey if people can't have a civil political discussion, well that is just sad!

Thanks for commenting!