Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ah, Sweet, Sweet Silence!

Getting back into the normal every day routine. Well it is most assuredly quieter, or less hectic. I am not quite sure which one. I am so happy to be home, but I can't help but go, hmm did all of this really happen to me? Damn why did it fly by so fast?

I am trying to post a picture or two of the Autographs, but stupid blogger is having issues with picture posting. Drat and double drat. I am still breathless when I think about all of it. Just sort of fills me and make me float. Like mental helium.

Can I gush some more? Too bad I am going to, because for once something that I wanted so bad that I thought it was pipe dream, happened to me!!!! Me. A nobody from nowhere special.

I am going to gush about Russell.

When you see him in pictures and in the movies, you go, damn he is good looking. You hope that he looks like that in person, because as we all know some celebs just don't look the same in real life as the do on film-be it movie or picture film. Well, I have to say, he is as gorgeous in person, if not more so, as he is in pictures and film.

The eyes. OMG. They are just magical. I could have stared into them for hours. They are so sparkly and clear. Just fantastic!

The face. OMG. Again, could stare for hours! Once he realized I was not going to go absolutely ape shit on him, and he heard me babble about my baby, his whole entire face softened. Like a friend. I don't know how to describe it except to say that you can tell he is a parent. Just the way he looked at me when I told him I had a seven year old, who loved him and his music. And best of all the big genuine smile I got when I told him that his name was Spenser. I think he got a kick out of that. Dani is one lucky chick.

The hand. So nice and warm, and big!!!!! I couldn't believe he held it the entire time I babbled. I think maybe he thought I might fall over. I tell you though, he was so kind. Just that one little action of holding my hand. OMG. Pinch me please, because I seriously think I dreamed all of this.

He just was so nice. He was like a happy place. From now I think the image of him standing in front of me, holding my hand, and indulging me in a short convo is going to be my happy place when life gets rough!


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