Monday, July 31, 2006

Costco Is My Favorite Store!

If I have said it once, I have said it a million times:
I love Costco.

Love it.

We got steaks from there on Saturday for the few brave souls who dared make it to our little shindig. Can I just say, they did not disappoint.

Full of flavor.

Good god the steaks were awesome. Just freakin awesome. No other word to describe them really.

I am the grill master here, so I got to grill them all, and I managed to cook 3 to medium rare, one to medium, and mine to well. All at the same time. I am ever so impressed by my grill skill!

The party, if you want to call it that, went well.

We had two people who are going through relationship woes, so I talked to them, and hopefully I was helpful. I hate to give advice, because it is not place, so I tried to give common sense instead. It pains me to see those I hold close to be in pain, and yet there is nothing I can do, but be there. Be that shoulder. I hope that they know they can come and vent to me if they need to.

Even with all the stress I have, I still hope that people know they can count on me to help them when they need it. Sometimes that helps me get perspective in my life!

So today Spenser has gone to Young's Dairy with Rob's family. I hope he behaves. I hope he has a great time. I am going to use that time to clean house, and get stuff done, so that I can spend some quality time with the Tokyo contingent this week. They will not be here too much longer, so I want to make my time count.

Later !

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