Sunday, October 01, 2006

Why Some People Should Just Fucking Grow Up!

I have used this particular phrase on a particular person, who at one time, was seemingly, part of the family. People change, or in this case, do not change, and move on.

This person, needs some serious fucking therapy. And possibly an ass kicking.

Oh screw it, it is my brother's ex.

Her birthday was Friday night. She lives all of 5 minutes away from my brother, and I know she had a party with her friends Friday night.

Funny thing though, my brother's new car, got keyed, all the way down to the metal, on Friday night.

Hmmmmm, very interesting, no?

I have no doubt in my mind she had something to do with it. Maybe she did it. Maybe she had someone do it.

All I know is that his car ends up vandalized, on her birthday no less and to be honest it pisses me off. I mean what kind of petty person does that?

He helped her get her new car. He has not vandalized anything of hers, and to be honest, he has not bad mouthed her to anyone. He wouldn't do that. I mean, he is my brother, so I am sure one might think that I think he is "perfect". Nah, but he wouldn't do something so absurdly stupid to anyone, let alone her. Maybe when he was younger and a lot more immature, but not now.

So, I am very disappointed in her behavior. She is acting like a spoiled child. Which is one of the reasons they are no longer together.

Me thinks that if she wanted a relationship to last, she would actually grow the fuck up, and not blame her faults on everyone else, and vandalize property to get back at people.

And yes she does read this occasionally.

So Jen, if you are reading this, and I have no doubt that you are, I think you need to check your priorities.

If his car or any of his property for that matter gets vandalized again, there will be hell to pay, and I will come look for you, so you can pay up. Got it?

Are we clear?

This is not a threat of bodily harm. This is a threat of police showing up to your doorstep, and believe you me, they will. Don't fuck with him again. End of story.

You do not do that sort of thing. Ever.

Blows my mind how a grown woman would stoop to such childish and pathetic levels.


Anonymous said...

I can't really say that she did it...but damn that's awfully suspicious.

robyn said...

Exactly, hence the disclaimer about may or may not have done it!

She is on notice!
