Wednesday, March 25, 2009

People are strange

People are strange when you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted

Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No one remembers your name

When you're strange

When you're strange

When you're strange

People are strange when you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted

Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No one remembers your name

When you're strange

When you're strange

When you're strange

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No one remembers your name

When you're strange

When you're strange

When you're strange

So this song is of course by The Doors. It is simple and to the point. It sums up how I feel right about now.

Lots of things have gone down in the past couple of months.

Spenser has gotten better.

Rob has been on a roller coaster ride of emotional turmoil.

I have come back to be my same sarcastic and don't give a shit self.

Well to a degree on the last part. I am no longer willing to let others make me feel bad, or control me, by manipulation. Even if it means I am labeled mean and whatever other high school terms one wishes to use.

I am not willing to walk on egg shells anymore. It is just not worth it.

Accept me as me, who I am, my faults (perceived by others) and all.

I am tired of being taken advantage of.

If I do, or don't do something, or say or don't something the way you wanted me to, by all means let me know, and then I will explain to you why I chose to do, or not do, say or not say whatever it was that offended you.

And if this means I stand my ground, you can go ahead and call me mean, and hurtful, but it won't change a damn thing, except my perception of you.

We have this thing called free will. I am choosing to exercise my free will. I am choosing to say what I would normally hold back, do what I normally ask for permission to do, and not feel bad about it, because I am tired of feeling the guilt. Your guilt ladled over me like gravy over mashed potatoes.

I want to be happy, carefree, and full of life, my life again. I am almost there.

So don't harsh my life mellow.

Oh yeah this is directed at everyone and no one all at the same time.

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