Thursday, June 15, 2006

The News Is Good!

So we got the test results back for my mom, and it was not appendicitis, thank god. She however does have gastritis. So basically there is not much to be done, except to be given anti-nausea meds. So that is what she got last night. She stayed home from work today, and I must say, she sounded a lot better when i talked to her this morning! Woo hoo!

I have to go to Costco here in a bit, I have to do some grocery shopping, and get some pictures printed out. Then after that Spenser and I are going to go feed the ducks at the cemetery and have a picnic lunch there as well. Now I know some of you might ask, why have a picnic at the cemetery? Well for one, no one bothers you there. Two, it is really peaceful. Three, we can feed said ducks. Four, it is just cool to be able to do that!

My mom used to take us to Spring Grove cemetery to have picnics, and to while away the days of summer! I loved it. Now I have passed this tradition on to my son, and he loves it. I look at the cemetery not as a place of dead things, although there are dead things there, but a place that is peaceful, and quiet, and some place where you can look at history! Not to mention you get really odd looks when you tell people you having lunch at the cemetery! Hand sandwiches for all! (hahahahahaha)

I shall post more later!

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