Sunday, June 04, 2006

One Thing:

I am sure I have offended some with my criticisms of the current person in charge of all of our futures, but hey, here is what I think--

You do not have to agree with me.

You do not have to like what I wrote.

You do not even have to read what I wrote.

That is the beauty of free speech.

Of course this means you can promptly tell me to go fuck myself because my views are wrong. I am sure someone will. It won't be the first time, nor will it be the last.

If no one ever opposes anything, life gets stagnant.

That is all.

The queen has spoken. (no not the drag queen, as I am not a drag queen, I am in fact 100% woman, and therefore not drag queen. I just like the "queen has spoken" line. It works, as a friend of mine has discovered. So I have stolen it from here for the moment. And the verbal diarrhea continues.)

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